Web Support Perth


Web design is one thing but if your site is not monitored and maintained disaster recovery can be slower and at a higher price to pay than just lost online sales. You might have got us design and market your website in Perth but if it’s off line too long what do you think Google will do to your listing? Do you think paying a Perth web designer once in 2020 should keep the designer on the end of a string, maintaining your website forever when you have a website problem to fix? 

Local Site Support Perth

The benefits of our local Perth based professional monthly website support service plans are:

  1. A website disaster recovery plan specific to your site needs.
  2. Site uptime monitoring / down-time alerts.
  3. WordPress update
  4. PHP database updates  
  5. WordPress theme updates
  6. WordPress plugin updates
  7. Improved website security against hackers.
  8. Server-side speed-ups for faster page loading, an important search engine ranking signal.
  9. Disaster recovery
    1. Automatic daily site backups
    2. Site backup in Google Drive
    3. After hours phone support for fast disaster recovery. Phone Sam on phone number: 0404 85 2525
  10. Local Perthite customer techncal liason manager you can meet with face-to-face, in the same Perth business hours.
  11. Australian consumber protection laws.


Our adhoc website disaster recovery services in Perth price for non-monthly clients is $70 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours of site restoration work, plus $70 admin fee. Without up-to-date backups it might not be possible to restore your websites at all or to the latest version.

Without a monthly website hosting support plan you could have a serious big website disaster.

Web hosting support Perth

Your website might need to be designed again. Fortunately in most cases we have the technology to copy your web content from old versions of your site so it should cost less to redesign websites in Perth. 


We can see what your site looked like on Archive.org and redesign you site similar to before it crashed or better than before your site crashed. I addition you’ll need to send both your confidential web hosting login information and your content management system login information. Eg WordPress CMS.